Lecithin Health Sources and Its Effects

Lecithin is phospholipids that are found in egg yolks and the plasma membrane of animal and plant cell. Lecithin health benefits are numerous. In addition, this substance is used to combine several ranges of commercial products. It primarily combines and thickens substances that normally don't blend such as water and oil.

In food products such as eggs, dairy products and meat, lecithin is a component of low density lipoproteins that helps break fats and cholesterol as well as enabling the good and useful fats to be transported in the body. Today, one of the largest sources of lecithin comes from soybeans. Lecithin can be found on several products such as food, medicine, cosmetic and other commercial products widely used these days.

Lecithin health benefits

• It breaks up fat and cholesterol. Lecithin enables proper distribution of fats inside the body as well as disposing and properly breaking them to reduce risk of diseases caused by fatty food.

• Lecithin health benefits include its ability to utilize vitamins A, D and E inside the body.

• Lecithin health components make it an effective remedy for psychological diseases. Studies show that lecithin is a good supplement in fighting psychological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and bipolar syndrome.

• Lecithin is commonly the substance used in skin softening and smoothing products. Its moisturizing property helps hydrate any type of skin.

• It naturally protects the skin from common skin problems like pimples, acne, blackheads, and uneven skin color. It makes skin more supple and younger looking.

• Lecithin is known to help decrease heart diseases. It is a form of good fat that provides nutrients in the body and at the same time, disperses the bad ones to prevent them from clogging the arteries.

• It helps ease digestion. Lecithin health effects are not only limited in burning fats but also helps in proper digestion. It rids the body of toxins that may build up in the digestive tract.

Lecithin health effects on people experiencing menopause or post-menopausal syndrome are truly remarkable. It has been found out that estrogen is also present in lecithin, which helps in balancing hormones in the body. Women who want to have firmer and shapely breasts may opt to include lecithin in their diet.

• Lecithin health properties provide the best source in distributing nutrients in the body minimizing the cause of poor nutrition and anemia. Nutrients from food are easier to absorb with the presence of lecithin in the bloodstream.

• It helps improve physical performance and boosts energy levels efficiently. No wonder, people who want to lose weight eat foods rich in lecithin since they provide you with energy without gaining weight.

Lecithin health experts proved that lecithin is indeed important to the body. However, be careful since taking lecithin excessively has its bad effects. It can lead to gastro intestinal problems such as constipation, diarrhea and loose stools. Others suffer from dizziness and vomiting. In order to be safe, better set an appointment with a lecithin health expert.

Neelima P is an author and publisher of many health related websites. For more information on what is lecithin? You are probably familiar with the word. In fact, you may even be taking it as a supplement. Visit his website at: Lecithin Guide


Foods Really RULE!

Seems to me that as long as we eat biologically correct foods, we could live for many years without getting sick or experiencing pain...and with greater happiness and well-being.

Possible? Deepak Chopka says we are biologically designed to live to age 150. Why stop there? Why not age 200, 250, or even 300? Can I do it...maybe yes...maybe no...but at least I'm thinking. I have learned since 1977 that eating biologically correct food for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks provides the ultimate path toward living a truly healthy, happy, and long life.

Michael Pollan's book, FOOD RULES, presents some 64 rules, or personal policies, as he calls them, pertaining to his seven word answer to what foods we should eat: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." "RULES" in FOOD RULES can also be used as a verb, as in controls or reigns! Food CONTROLS our everyday lives. It rules our health...it rules our sickness. Food rules our blood pressure, high or low; our heart beat, slow or fast; our cancer cells, either accumulating or discharging; our weight, normal or abnormal; our temperature, running hot or cold; our energy, energized or sleepy; our feelings, either loving or hateful; our experiences of pain or pleasure; our sex drive, strong or impotent; our thinking, clear or confused; our dreams, wild or peaceful; our conversations, hyper or relaxed... EVERYTHING! Including the quality of our breath, our teeth, and our arteries, (open or clogged), and the size and shape of our bodies, small, large, skinny or fat.

The condition of our bodies and minds and our spiritual awareness are all influenced by the food we eat. Everything we do, say or think is related or connected to the food we eat. Every cell, every stem cell, every gene, every DNA instruction, every beneficial or damaging microorganism, and every good or bad nutrient in our bodies are made from the food we ingest and assimilate. Even the choices we make about the food we eat today are largely determined by the food we ate yesterday!

All the food we eat, chew, swallow, and digest changes into our blood, stem cells, and bones via the stomach, intestines and other organs of our body. The food we eat becomes US. We are the "perfect" manifestation of ALL that we have eaten.

This understanding alone could help many individuals with their approach to sickness. Currently many individuals look at sickness as an enemy, an imperfection, something that must be concealed, covered-up, surgically removed, or chemically attacked. We need to look at our sickness as a phenomenon we have created and a messenger to address what is causing the problem, which likely includes a change in diet!

If we are eating biologically correct food, why or how could we become sick or be in pain? To me, we become sick or experience pain because we are NOT eating biologically correct foods! Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, would not only ask his clients what they ate, but also who cooked for them, based on his understanding "Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be food".

In summary, an important rule to remember for optimal health and well- being is to eat biologically correct food because food actually RULES! I think this is the most critical rule any one of us can examine or study! After all, your life depends on it!

David Snieckus
99 Crescent Street
Newton, MA 02466

Ginseng's Power

Native to the mountain forests of the northeastern China, Korea and the far eastern regions of Russia, Ginseng is a slow-growing herb. Its use in traditional and cultural settings may be different from the concepts of the Western medicine. It is somehow similar to ginger. It is a kind of rhizome or a horizontal underground stem that makes the shoots to rise above the ground.

It is used to improve and enhance the body's resistance to stress and increase vitality. There are several number of ginseng species that are used in herbal products around the world. Some include dwarf ginseng, Korean ginseng, American ginseng and Himalayan ginseng.

How do you take ginseng? It is actually prepared using its roots. It comes in powdered form and can be either mixed with water or consumed in a capsule.

What are the side effects? These include nausea, diarrhea, headaches, insomnia and allergic reactions like difficulty in breathing, swelling of lips, face or tongue and closing of your throat. It has side effects but it is generally safe.

Ginseng reduces stress. It leads to increased long life, youthfulness and good health. It is very popular among elder people. It is also used by sufferers of reduced libido because it tends to increase sexual performance and it contains ginsenosides that strengthens male erectile tissue. It has been used as a cure for Erectile Dysfunction and also used as an aphrodisiac. It is also believed to boost the immune system. There was a 2000 study that says that it can help control the levels of the blood sugar and may be reduced to 60%. It can really aid the Type II diabetics who normally go through sugar spike after consuming glucose. After consulting the doctor, diabetics should only take one ginseng. Aside from that, ginseng is known that it can reduce certain risks of cancer. But there is insufficient research about this because of the lack of committed support for the research.

Aside from the ginseng's herbal power, it is also used as one of the ingredients of Asian cuisine such as the Japanese, Korean and Chinese while in Europe and in North America, it is found in energy drinks that are commercially available.

According to a recent study from the University of Hong Kong, ginseng has an anti-inflammatory effect. It appears to have some characteristics associated with cancer. It may reduce fatigue among cancer patients. Ginseng has not been evaluated by the FDA for its purity, effectiveness and safety. There may be possible risks and benefits that this may have. Certain herbal medicines should be purchased from a reliable source. It is still advisable that you consult first health care professionals when you try to consider using any herbal remedies.

Visit http://www.GoodHerbalRemedies.com to learn about more natural and perhaps healthier remedies!

Robin O enjoys writing about many fascinating topics.


Reiki and It's Benefits

Reiki is an ancient method of healing using energy flow. The word Reiki is derived from the Japanese words "Rei", which means spiritually guided, and "Ki", which means energy. This ancient technique, which was used over 3000 years ago, was rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the year 1922.

Reiki is based on the belief that all human beings are surrounded by the energy field that harnesses the universal life force. The technique is a holistic healing approach with the purpose of bringing the body, mind and soul harmoniously together. The harmony of the mind and spirit enhances the body's power to heal.

Reiki is performed by qualified Reiki practitioners who make use of different positions, besides the 12 standard positions designed, depending on the person's condition. These 12 positions are grouped based on the 3 body parts of the front torso, the back torso and the head. Each position is designed to trigger the flow of energy through the whole body and enable free flow of energy that has been blocked in some parts of a person's body. A Reiki practitioner first undergoes the process of receiving the energy and then becomes a medium for transferring the energy to the person receiving it. After a session a person may have varying feelings from a warm tingling sensation to a state of relaxation.

Though the effects may vary, there are some benefits you can enjoy with Reiki:
- A relaxed body and mind - When your mind and body are relaxed, you can have more clarity of thought and be energized.
- Helps in pain and other chronic conditions management - Since Reiki has a relaxing effect, it helps in your body's pain tolerance and the relaxation helps keep your thoughts away from any chronic conditions you suffer from.
- Promotes emotional well being and helps with any emotional issues.
- Improves the immune system - The free flow of energy not only energizes you but also integrates with your immune system in strengthening it.
- Acts as an independent system or as complementary system for your therapeutic needs.

Reiki is an effective healing technique offering a whole ensemble of benefits. You just have to remember that a healthy body and mind emits positive energy leading to a happy radiant self. Reiki can help you attain this radiant self.

MaryAnn Roche invites you to visit her website http://www.completepersonaldevelopment.com. Everyday the site is updated with new and interesting articles on personal development and offers readers excellent tried and tested resources.

Visit today and sign up to receive the regular newsletter.

ref : ezinearticles.com

Native American Herbal Medicine

Native American herbal medicine has been used for treating common illnesses and conditions for centuries. In fact, some people still use these ancient herbal cures today. Herbal remedies were a fundamental component of the Native American culture that went far beyond treating the symptoms of illnesses and into spirituality as part of the treatment. Native Americans had no corner drug store, so they created their remedies from local ingredients. Because different tribes developed remedies based upon what was available to them, there are many different treatments for the same ailments.

Natural Herbal Remedies used today

The appeal of subjects like Native American herbal medicine is driven by the perception that herbal remedies are not as toxic and without the side effects of many of today's prescription medications. Some Native American remedies that have been created using North American plants are simple to locate and common to many areas, like Skunk Cabbage. Other common ingredients used for Native American herbal cures include Wild Cherry, Wild Yam Root, Passion Flower, Sage, Juniper, Willow, Purple Coneflower and Rabbit Tobacco.

Natural Treatment for Asthma

Native American's had treatments for asthma a long time before the commonly used medications of today. The first true residents of North America used Skunk Cabbage to help to facilitate the removal of phlegm. There are two types of Skunk Cabbage, with Eastern Skunk Cabbage being specifically used for the treatment of asthma. Eastern Skunk Cabbage is also sometimes known as Clumpfoot Cabbage, Foetid Pothos, Meadow Cabbage, Polecat Weed, Skunk Cabbage, or Swamp Cabbage.

Early Days of Birth Control

The Navajo, Chippewa, Shoshoni and some other tribes used types of natural remedies as contraceptives. Some of the ingredients included things like Ragleaf Bahia, Blue Cohosh, Dogbane, Milkweed, American Mistletoe, Antelope Sage and Stoneseed. Ragleaf Bahia is better known as Bahia dissecta and sometimes yellow ragleaf, it is part of the daisy family.

Boneset for many Ailments

America's first residents used the plant 'Boneset' for a range of different health problems. The name Boneset alludes to the use of the plant in the treatment of broken bones, but it was also used to treat dengue fever- sometimes called breakbone fever because of the intensity of the pain that it caused.

Native American Medicine and its Connection to the current trend of Wild Crafting

Wild crafting is a modern practice that has ancient roots, with many Wild crafters located in North America. Wild crafting is a world-wide practice, with people from different countries all over the world harvesting and using herbs, flowers, mosses, mushrooms and more to practice natural healing. It's the re-emergence of the ways of the past. The popularity of Wild crafting is driven by the relevance of ancient remedies like that used in Native American herbal medicine and the medicines of other ancient cultures as well.


from: www.ezinearticles.com

Are Herbal Natural Remedies Effective?

Over the past decade, herbal remedies have been brought to the forefront of medicine. They can be very effective against a myriad of ailments without the harsh side-effects that are experienced by so many when they use prescription drugs. Today, more people are conscious about their health and are able to research options for treating their ailments.

With the growing interest in holistic treatments, more information is available about their use and effectiveness. A variety of herbal home remedies are carried in increasing numbers in supermarkets and big-box retailers.

Treatments for common ailments such as colds, coughs and headache are more readily available than ever. In addition to the holistic herbal remedies that can be found, natural herbal products such as shampoos, detergents, soaps, paper products and organic produce have a much larger market share than just a few years ago.

These products were once only available through an herbalist or in health foods stores. A growing number of online retailers are focusing on or carrying more herbal remedies for countless health issues. It is always important before making online purchases for any supplement or herbal product to do your research. Be certain that you are buying from a reputable source. It is estimated that as many as one third of the population is making use of natural herbal remedies at one point or another during a common ailment.

Many conventional, allopathic physicians are not aware of the power of alternative treatments. Good-intentioned doctors may not be up on current research. With so many new studies coming to light it is impossible to stay on top of every new development. However, there are doctors who through their own ignorance will not consider holistic herbal remedies. As a result, patients concerned that their doctor will disapprove of the use of natural remedies, may not let their doctor know that they are using these treatments.

The good news is that more doctors than ever are getting on board. Since herbal remedies are becoming such an important part of mainstream medicine, it is not in the doctor's nor patient's best interest to ignore current research revealing the effectiveness of some herbal remedies.

The best doctors are integrative. They are well versed on allopathic and homeopathic treatments and can make the best recommendation for the situation. This type of treatment is called complimentary medicine. Complimentary medicine is really the most effective since it does not discount either allopathic or holistic medicine. It merges the two.

When considering the use of herbal remedies, remember that they can be quite powerful. Discretion needs to be practiced while using them. Always do your homework prior to starting any treatment. When weeding through online research, be certain that any information you discover comes from a reliable source and is up-to-date.

If possible, find a complimentary doctor who can guide you through treatments. It is always best to find a personal referral for a physician. A qualified physician can guide you with a suitable plan that will best meet your individual needs.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009, I completely changed my lifestyle, dropped almost 50 pounds and began a regimen of complementary treatments to support my immune system and get my body healthy again. It is one year later and I am feeling great. Please visit my website. There you will find lots of total cleanse information and health tips.

from: ezinearticles.com

Aromatherapy For Health

There are lots of essential oils in Aromatherapy that may be used for different purposes one of them being enhancement of physiological health. They can be very effectual against certain sicknesses plaguing you against which conventional medicine may not have worked. Apart from the slow and gradual effect that these essential oils show on diseases, some of them can also be used for first-aid purposes. These oils are very advantageous as there can be no possible side effects on their use which may not be the case while using strong antibiotics or ointments.

Some of the home based remedies that you may make use of have been enumerated below:

For young children experiencing pain related to teething, ease their discomfort by applying chamomile oil. A cloth should be wrapped around a cube of ice, add a drop of chamomile oil to the cloth. This should be held against the teeth and gums resulting in soothing effect.

If you experience frequent cramps and pains related to your periods, you may make use a variety of oils that offer promising results. These oils should be utilised into your aromatherapy regime: cypress, chamomile, jasmine, lavender, juniper, rosemary, nutmeg and peppermint. You may also try a shower with Epsom salts.

Been bitten by a spider? Spider bites are usually recognized by swelling, pain and redness of the skin. You can use tea tree oil to help.

If you have an insistent cough or a bad cold, you can make a portable inhaler at home instead of buying one. This can be done by using an empty Chap Stick container. It should first be thoroughly cleaned. Dab the following essential oils on a swab of cotton and insert inside the container to be inhaled throughout the day to help clear your nose and head. 2 drops eucalyptus oil, 2 drops rosemary oil, 1 drop peppermint oil and rock salt.

If you have recently been experiencing headaches or migranes that have started to interfere with your quality of life, you can use a combination of peppermint, lavender oil and roman chamomile oil. One drop of each of these should be applied to the neck as well as the tension area on the temple. You may also massage it onto the shoulders by diluting it with a carrier oil first.

Feeling exhausted with aches and pains all over your body? You can use sweet marjoram, roman chamomile or lavender. Any of these oils can be diluted by putting in 10 drops into 2 tablespoons of cream or carrier oil. This should then be thoroughly massaged into the areas where you are experiencing distress.

The following simple recipe can be made use of to ward off a cold or a developing flu:

- 4 drops of pine oil

- 3 drops of lemon oil

- 4 drops of eucalyptus oil

This mixture should be inhaled as a steam by pouring into a large bowl of boiling water. You can bend low onto it and inhale deeply. Make sure that the steam does not escape by covering your head with a towel or cloth.

For more information about aromatherapy visit us at http://aromahome.org/

from : www.ezinearticles.com

Coconut Water - The Natural Hangover Elixir

Coconut Water is a natural fat free drink and has the ability to rehydrate your body, besides providing you some necessary minerals, such as potassium and sodium. Coconut water has no artificial additives and contains significant amounts of electrolytes, while being low in food energy. Coconut water is therefore not only a very refreshing drink, it has proved to be the best natural hangover cure.

Coconut water is the liquid found inside young green coconuts and differs from coconut milk. As the coconut matures, this liquid gets absorbed into the nut's flesh. Coconut water is a popular drink in tropical regions, such as Tropical Asia and Trinidad and Tobago. It is found and sold in Central America on strategic highway stops and beaches. In this region coconut water is called "agua de pipa."

The various minerals and healthy bacterial present in coconut water enable our body to recover from rigorous exercise, making this drink far superior to other sports drinks. Fresh coconut water also helps in digestion, optimizes muscle performance, boosts our immune system and blood circulation, besides helping maintain body temperature.

Coconut water: good remedy for dehydration
Dehydration is quite common after you have partied all night or drank too much. Since alcohol is a diuretic, i.e. something that makes you urinate, you need to hydrate your body through the consumption of a lot of fluids. Coconut water is one of the most effective ways of re-hydrating the body. Consumption of a large quantity of alcohol in a dehydrated state results in a hangover. The main symptoms of a hangover are headache, nausea and vomiting. And the best remedy is to consume liquids with electrolytes.

Too much alcohol also has a negative impact on several of your body parts. Your kidneys, liver, stomach and small intestines fall prey to the adverse impact of alcohol and result in problems such as electrolyte imbalances, gastrointestinal disturbances, disruption of sleep, among other things. The need to quickly restore the body to optimal hydration is therefore irrefutable.

Coconut water, although a little known cure for hangovers, has several other beneficial properties:
- it is a natural isotonic beverage because of the significant amount of electrolytes it contains
- improves our digestive system
- encourages bowel movement
- helps in prevention of bacterial, viral and fungal infections
- keeps the body cool while maintaining adequate temperature
- aids in healthy functioning of the thyroid
- has a cleansing effect on the whole endocrine system
- clears your complexion
- is even safe for infants

Lucy Rendler-Kaplan is a writer and writes for health magazines. She suggests O.N.E. Coconut Water for hangover cure. It has no additives and has ability to hydrate you body.

from : ezinearticles.com

How to Treat Kidney Stones Naturally

Do you or someone you know suffer from kidney stones? An estimated 10 percent of people in the United States will have kidney stones at some point in their lives, states NIH's National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs that operate as filters to remove waste products from the blood and then excrete these waste products, along with excess salt and water, from the body through the urine. When there is a large amount of waste in too little liquid, crystals begin to form.

The crystals attract other elements and bond together to form a solid that will get larger unless it is passed out of the body with the urine, thus forming a kidney stone. Kidney stones are a common cause of blood in the urine and often severe pain in the abdomen, flank or groin. The condition of having stones is termed nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis. Kidney stones are one of the most common disorders of the urinary tract. According to the National Kidney Foundation, each year, in the U.S. over a million people suffer from stones and more than half a million people go to emergency rooms for kidney stone problems.

If you have stones, you may already know how painful it can be. You may even be already researching for an all natural treatment for stones. Even small silent stones are capable of causing major kidney damage or even kidney failure. Many sufferers often wait to pass it out on its own with urine as oppose to seeking an all natural treatment for stones, but it can be even more damaging if left untreated. This is not only tremendously painful, but the stone can grow in size or cause severe damage on its way out. The pain is typically so severe that it is difficult to control, even with the most powerful pain medications.

Scientists have now shown that the best way to eliminate and prevent stones is by introducing natural substances in your urine that help breakdown the stone's chemical composition. These substances are called lithontriptic agents and have remarkable scientific evidence proving they work. If you have more than one stone, especially if you have a family history of stones, you are more likely to have stones again. In fact, there is a 60% chance that your stones will reoccur.

As a result of this research, a natural treatment called Renavive for kidney stones was developed that works immediately to dissolve and pass the stones safely and painlessly. It cleanses the kidneys, works to dissolves the stones while protecting the urinary tract and helps prevent infections. Put an end to your suffering and try Renavive, the all natural treatment for kidney stones.

For more information on kidney stones and kidney cleansing please visit: http://www.renavive.com

From : ezinearticles.com

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