Foods Really RULE!

Seems to me that as long as we eat biologically correct foods, we could live for many years without getting sick or experiencing pain...and with greater happiness and well-being.

Possible? Deepak Chopka says we are biologically designed to live to age 150. Why stop there? Why not age 200, 250, or even 300? Can I do it...maybe yes...maybe no...but at least I'm thinking. I have learned since 1977 that eating biologically correct food for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks provides the ultimate path toward living a truly healthy, happy, and long life.

Michael Pollan's book, FOOD RULES, presents some 64 rules, or personal policies, as he calls them, pertaining to his seven word answer to what foods we should eat: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." "RULES" in FOOD RULES can also be used as a verb, as in controls or reigns! Food CONTROLS our everyday lives. It rules our rules our sickness. Food rules our blood pressure, high or low; our heart beat, slow or fast; our cancer cells, either accumulating or discharging; our weight, normal or abnormal; our temperature, running hot or cold; our energy, energized or sleepy; our feelings, either loving or hateful; our experiences of pain or pleasure; our sex drive, strong or impotent; our thinking, clear or confused; our dreams, wild or peaceful; our conversations, hyper or relaxed... EVERYTHING! Including the quality of our breath, our teeth, and our arteries, (open or clogged), and the size and shape of our bodies, small, large, skinny or fat.

The condition of our bodies and minds and our spiritual awareness are all influenced by the food we eat. Everything we do, say or think is related or connected to the food we eat. Every cell, every stem cell, every gene, every DNA instruction, every beneficial or damaging microorganism, and every good or bad nutrient in our bodies are made from the food we ingest and assimilate. Even the choices we make about the food we eat today are largely determined by the food we ate yesterday!

All the food we eat, chew, swallow, and digest changes into our blood, stem cells, and bones via the stomach, intestines and other organs of our body. The food we eat becomes US. We are the "perfect" manifestation of ALL that we have eaten.

This understanding alone could help many individuals with their approach to sickness. Currently many individuals look at sickness as an enemy, an imperfection, something that must be concealed, covered-up, surgically removed, or chemically attacked. We need to look at our sickness as a phenomenon we have created and a messenger to address what is causing the problem, which likely includes a change in diet!

If we are eating biologically correct food, why or how could we become sick or be in pain? To me, we become sick or experience pain because we are NOT eating biologically correct foods! Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, would not only ask his clients what they ate, but also who cooked for them, based on his understanding "Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be food".

In summary, an important rule to remember for optimal health and well- being is to eat biologically correct food because food actually RULES! I think this is the most critical rule any one of us can examine or study! After all, your life depends on it!

David Snieckus
99 Crescent Street
Newton, MA 02466

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